
The charity foundation considering important cultural development, preservation of cultural heritage, encouragement of activity of organizations and individuals in this area and expansion of cultural dialogue in our country puts considerable financial resources in the solution of the problems existing in this area. Many times, people who made a great contribution to development of the Armenian culture, Eduard Mirzoyan, Guzh Manukyan, Vanush Khanamiryan and others were honored by Gagik Tsarukyan and were in the center of his attention.

With the help of charity foundation , legend of Armenia, People's Artist, Vanush Khanamiryan in the twilight of his life could embody the longest dream in reality. He gathered high and slender dancers around him and created dancing ensemble as peculiar fighting form against distortion of the Armenian dance. Even after death of the legendary dancer the fund continues to cover all expenses of the ensemble.

Gagik Tsarukyan doesn’t stop on the done work and continues to expand the help and to include more and more areas in programs of charity fund. The Armenian theater isn't an exception, 3 years in a row being the main sponsor of the state festival the fund gave opportunity to more than 30 theater groups to come up with dozens of free performances in one month giving delight to theater community of Armenia and Artsakh.

One of the initiatives of the fund that had big publicity was a number of events, organized in honor of the 20th anniversary of the 3rd Republic of Armenia. Within a month nearly 13,000 pupils of all schools in 12 administrative districts of the capital had opportunity to listen to works of world famous Armenian and foreign composers performed by the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of Armenia. To educate and bring up a generation loving music and to make him a connoisseur of high art is the main goal. Before each performance pupils were acquainted with history of the work and biography of the composer and during conversation directly with musicians had opportunity to receive answers to the questions exciting them.

The fund for long years sponsors large-scale cultural projects the lion's share of which is carried out in the framework of the program .The program of charity fund "Gagik Tsarukyan" was established in September 2009.The main purpose of the program is to help promising, successful projects in education, science and culture spheres.
This is not just charity and deliberate investment in the future.

The took the first steps in Armenia, thus raising the question of the social responsibility of business.It has become an example for Armenian business community, following it everyone will benefit, the society, the government and the business itself, which has to be an active members of society.Within one year of activity of the program financial and material support was received by bands, educational institutions, delegations leaving for various conferences and competitions and individuals. Awards for victories at festivals and competitions and nominal grants were given out to talented young people.

For many was the first major sponsor of professional achievements. In many areas, took important steps which still haven’t been taken by any other state, social or private organization.Raised many questions independently, calling experts and interested persons to join initiatives with their offers and projects.
During the year financed such projects that included a large number of beneficiaries and ensured the participation of thousands of people.Especially had broad participation and active comments the programs which were carried out at schools and universities.

The projects implemented for children and young people with their participation are primary forwithin a year, we tried to create such mechanism of selection which would provide the maximum objectivity.Will continue further similar initiatives for various age and social groups.

Two major tasks are the cornerstone of all programs: to provide the maximum participation and to carry out interesting, actual ideas in education, cultures and sciences. Our purpose consists in creation of equal opportunities for all, regardless of social conditions.

Digital technology as effective teaching tools

International Exhibition
In 2010, from January 20th  to 23rd, Yerevan hosted an international exhibition entitled . The exhibition was organized by the institution with assistance of Microsoft.

About 500 pupils of high schools, teachers, various organizations both physically and virtually via the Internet participated in the exhibition. The participants presented their projects, which were to be made with the help of any digital technology. For the best works were established prizes.
The program established three special prizes, which were awarded to three teachers – participants who presented the most interesting and modern projects.

Support of Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan

Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan has always had a high reputation in the world. Today, many of its graduates play in the best music groups of the world and are very popular. The Conservatory taught many famous musicians.Local and international competitions are often organized in the only higher musical institution of our country. The conservatory needs equipment of the 21st century for high-quality music education. The program approached the issue from this point of view and I signed the memorandum of cooperation with conservatory. In different stages of cooperation the following projects were realized.

a) Listening room has been remodeled creating new, modern conditions for students.

b) The best students-musicians received nominal grants of Gagik Tsarukyan.

d) A special prize was awarded at Sarajaev state competition of young performers.

School Olympiad

From the International Olympiad in astrophysics held in China from November 8th to 16th, the team of Armenian students came back with an unprecedented success, with two gold and one silver medals.

The School Olympiad was organized for pupils aged 14-18. The purpose of the Olympiad was to find talented, gifted young people, to develop an interest in astronomy among young people and to strengthen international relations in the field of school education of astronomy and physics.

An important part of the Olympiad was the intellectual competition consisting of three stages: theoretical, practical, observation, during which were given the task of various kinds of astronomy, astrophysics and celestial mechanics. The international schools Olympiads are considered important events. They are directly linked to the name and reputation of the country. According to experts, the current challenges in international competitions are so difficult that only exceptionally gifted pupils achieve success.

The success also speaks about the level of development of science aneducation in the country. At the Olympiad in China more than two dozen countries, including, Russia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, India, Iran, Italy, Korea, Romania, Sweden, Serbia, etc. took part. The desire of the program was to support our Olympians and in the best way to prepare them for this difficult international competition. The program helped trainers and young people to be prepared and to take part properly in this Olympiad bringing long-awaited medals home.

Intense rivalry and victory

On November 2, 2009 the Brazilian city of Salvador hosted international meeting of Innovative schools and teachers innovators.The main organizer of this international event was the world-famous company Microsoft.For participation in the meeting a competition was announced where 184 seminaries from 41 countries took part from which were chosen in total 31 schools.After the first qualifying stage in Armenia were elected 5 innovative schools, from which after the second international qualifying round, was elected the school after . Thus, in 2009 it was included in the global network of innovative schools of Microsoft and is going to represent our country in this responsible meeting.The program of fund provided delegation the ICT resources for due participation in meeting.In Brazil the school was represented by Margarita Sargsyan and Lucine Petrosyan. Within EXPO electronic materials, video packages were presented.Videos and movies of the Armenian pavilion fascinated everyone, and during the whole exhibition our table was the most visited.

Our support brings good luck

 Lusine Harutyunyan is one of the scholars of "Perspective>. She studies in the third year of Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan at Orchestra faculty, string instruments department. Repeatedly has taken part in national competitions winning prizes.

She has represented Armenia at the Delphic games of the CIS countries, winnig won gold and bronze medals.

Also has taken part in the international Tadeusz Wronski solo violin competition and has been awarded by the special diploma of the first degree and two special awards.

Lusine has also participated at Aram Khachaturyan international competition.

In 2010 has got a nominal grant on presentation of the rector of conservatory, S. Saradzhyan.

Musical interlocutor

This is a unique program, whose author is a musicologist, Professor Armen Budaghyan. He has a rich practice in working with children and young people. Within this program under his guidance in public schools will be organized concert lectures, which are designed for direct communication between musicians and young people for the acquaintance with different genres of music, musical instruments and art history. They will contribute to the creation of new generation which will love and evaluate art, and also will be familiar with national cultural values, world famous musicians and world culture.

Very often the lack of music education in children is connected only by the lack of basic information. A family where adults have no music education, children simply don't understand importance of obtaining such knowledge, and they seldom form the correct musical taste and musical knowledge base.This program can be very important guide for many children, helping them to orient with various musical directions, to distinguish musical instruments and their characteristics, to understand value of high quality music and to see its importance in everyday life.Many may continue their studies in musical direction became interested in musical instrument.The most important is that children can open for themselves classical or high-quality music.The program is proud to support such project.

State competition of young

Not all young pianists become soloists, moreover many of them choose other ways of professional development. Many become concertmasters, a profession that is respected by all true professionals.In 2010, March 26-30 in Yerevan the second National Competition of Young Concertmasters named after Heghine Ter-Ghevondyan took place. Pupils of music schools of the whole country, students of high music school after Tchaikovsky, students of Komitas State Conservatory took part in the competition. Igor Yavryan, professor, the dean of Piano faculty was the chairman of jury.
Competition took place with assistance of the program .

Innovation program. Olympiad in Tbilisi.

In 2010 on May 15 a unique of its kind international event, the 4th International Olympiad IYIPO-2010 of youth innovation programs was held in Tbilisi. School students took part in this scientific competition presenting their ideas and projects.Armenia was represented by the students of the 10th grade of school after ,  Tadevos Markosyan and Gor Manukyan under the leadership of teacher of  electronics and programming, Konstantin Nalbandyan. At the competition, they showed an electronic project , made with their own hands. Despite the fact that this was the first participation of the students at such an important international competition, they served their purpose admirably, and among the 15 participating countries, Armenia was honored bronze medals.
Travel expenses of our participants were paid by the program

Subscription for school children

The concept of school subscription was widely used in Soviet times, giving children the opportunity to learn the culture and the arts. In 2010 thanks to the program , this tradition was restored, allowing the students to have free access to concert halls.Throughout the spring, thousands of students and teachers had the opportunity to attend concerts of Armenian and European music performed by famous bands.
Subscriptions were distributed in the schools of the capital.

 The concerts were unique by the nature because musicians commented on the performed works, told biographies of composers and history of creation of musical instruments.

Direct communication makes available material for audience, creates feeling of own participation and increases interest in high-quality music.

Next day after a concert pupils and teachers discussed heard in the classes. Exactly for this purpose the project was conceived. If at schools and classes the interesting atmosphere is created, interesting ideas will be born and realized quicker.

In spring, 2010 thanks to  the project "Subscription for school children" the followingmusical collectives gave concerts for pupils, teachers and parents.
Yerevan State Chamber Choir Artistic director, conductor Harutyun Topikyan 

Ensemble Artistic director, Honored Artist of Armenia, Aram Talalyan

 Komitas Quartet Artistic Director, People's Artist, Professor Eduard Tadevosyan

Saryan for children

From now on the doors of the house museum of Martiros Saryan will be open for pupils and teachers for free visit. 

It became possible thanks to the memorandum of cooperation signed between the director of gallery and the program of the fund . 

This year thousands of pupils will have opportunity to get acquainted with works of the great artist, having free tickets. It is one of those projects which has a cultural, educational and upbringing component. 

'' This is a very important initiative to create a link between schools and cultural centers. The fact in itself is commendable; to impart to new generation respect for cultural values'', told the director of a house museum after Martiros Saryan,

Ruzanna Saryan.


Health of the young generation is the most important

On May 31, on Charles Aznavour Square in Yerevan the humanitarian fund organized an exhibition of cartoons against smoking.The event was sponsored by the program of charity fund .It was possible to see many popular singers, athletes and simple passersby on the square.All countries of the world spend billions a year for fight against smoking. Nevertheless, the results are still unsatisfactory.Every year, 5 million people die from tobacco use. To have an idea of the figure, we bring a simple comparison. The number of deaths from smoking exceeds the number of deaths from HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria togather taken.Smoking is considered the most dangerous.In Armenia 27% of the elderly population (from 16) are regular smokers and use tobacco every day. Men make 52 percent, and women 48.Fund "Gagik Tsarukyan" attaches great importance to social projects aimed at public health that promote a healthy lifestyle. Program is going to support such initiatives.

Premiere at Opera Theater

In the spring of 2010 in Yerevan with the assistance of the Italian Embassy in Armenia was first staged the opera of the famous Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti .In spring 2010, the festival of Italian opera art was held in Yerevan. Within which the opera of the famous Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti was first staged in Armenia in the opera studio after Ghazaros Saryan.

The premiere was scheduled for March 21. Just a few days before the premiere, it turned out that some important decoration was lacking. There was very little time to find commercial sponsors. Organizers of the performance appealed to the program to help them in this short time.
The program helped them immediately. The premiere was held, as scheduled, on March 21 at Theatre of Opera and Ballet after A. Sepdiarov.



“Christ is born and revealed! Blessed is the revelation of Christ!”


"I am so grateful to Mr. Tsarukyan to support our activities, that resulted in the creation of new works, concerts, young composers had the opportunity to present to the wide audience, " Levon Chaushyan, "Armenian Music Forum" founder, Composer, Honored Art ...
Levon Chaushyan

Current programs